Yellowing of Indoor Plants and It's Solutions

Why my indoor plants are turning yellow, how can I make them recover?

Yellowing of leaves often indicate stress or improper care. Most common cause is overwatering which leads to root rot and yellow leaves. Poor light condition can also weaken the plant, turning their leaves yellow. Extreme heat or cold can cause yellowing. Another reason can be lack of nutrients like nitrogen cause yellowing of older leaves. Here are some tips and solutions to help your plant:

  1. Pruning: Prune the yellow leaves to maintain the plant’s appearance and remove any affected leaves if they’re severely damaged.

  2. Monitoring: Ensure careful monitoring of water and make sure the plant’s environment is stable, provide consistent light, temperature, and humidity.

  3. Repotting: Repot if necessary to refresh the soil and inspect for root health.

  4. Trimming: If the yellowing persists despite adjustments, the issue might be severe root damage, which requires immediate repotting and trimming of damaged roots.

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