Types of grasses for lawn

Top 7 popular types of grass for your lawn

Following are the best type of grasses for your garden:

  1. Bermuda grass


this warm season grass is widely used because of its heat and foot traffic tolerance. Because of its quick growing nature it requires more attention than other grasses.
2 Mexican grass

Excellent choice for lawn, park, and sports field. Grows well in full sunlight.
3 Korean grass

low growing dense and dark green appearance with low water necessity. This fine texture grass often used for landscaping.

4 Centipede grass

Medium textured turfgrass grows well in acidic sandy soil. It requires minimal upkeep
5. Zoysia grass

Dense luxurious grass with low maintenance. This dry summer grass with long durability is best choice for Indian gardens.
6. Carpet grass

This low growing grass known well for its fine texture and requires low maintenance.
7. Kikuyu grass

This grass is tolerant to drought and heat. Well suited for regions with high temperature

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