Preserving Garden Produce

How can I preserve my garden/yard produce?

Preserving your fruits and vegetables allows you to enjoy your harvest for a long time, by ensuring they are nutritious and delicious. Here are some methods to preserve your garden produce for a long time:

  1. Freezing: Vegetables and fruits like peas, green beans, broccoli, apple, peach are preserved by freezing. This process slow down growth of microorganisms in food. Wash and cut the produce. Blanch vegetables that involves briefly putting them in boil water, then cool in ice water to retain texture and color. Flash-freeze fruits and herbs on a tray, then transfer to airtight freezer bags or containers. Label with the date.

  2. Canning: Tomatoes, pickles, jams, jellies, salsas, and sauces can be canned. Wash and cut the produce. Put the produce in sterilize jars and lids. Pack jars with prepared produce and cover with appropriate liquid like brine. Remove air from the container. Process jars in a water bath or pressure canner according to recipes.

  3. Dehydrating: Herbs, fruits like apples, bananas, and vegetables like zucchini, mushrooms after dehydration removes most of their water content. Wash produce thoroughly and slice thinly. Dry in a dehydrator, oven, or air-dryer. Store in airtight containers in a cool, dark place and enjoy your healthy snacks.

  4. Fermenting: Cabbage is always been popular for making sauerkraut, cucumbers and root vegetables used for fermented pickles. First, Chop or slice produce in even pieces. Submerge in a salt brine, containing 2–3% salt solution. Cover and let ferment at room temperature for 1 to 4 weeks, depending on the recipe.

  5. Make Pickle: Cucumbers, beets and carrots, are used in pickle making. All you need to do is prepare a vinegar-based brine with sugar, salt and spices if desired. Mix all the items well and pour over the produce in jars. Store in the fridge for quick pickles. Alternatively, process in a water bath canner for long-term storage.

  6. Make Jams and Jellies: Berries, Apples, Plums, and other fruits can be turned into yummy jam and jelly. Cook fruits with sugar and pectin. Pour into sterilized jars and process in a water bath canner.

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