Peace lily Plant Care

How often should I Water Peace lily plant?

Watering Peace lily depends on the season, in summer you may need to water it more, in winter minimal watering is required. It is recommended to water your peace lily about once a week, but adjust based on its needs, water only when top 1-2 inches of soil feel dry, check your plant occasionally if the leaves started dropping, it’s a sign that the plant needs water. If you are still unsure, it is better to underwater slightly, than overwater as peace lilies are prone to root rot. Ensure good drainage to prevent waterlogging conditions.

Would you suggest what are right temperature and water Ph to safeguard water lillies and some household compost best for their growth?

For water lilies ideal temperature lie between 21 to 29°c. Generally ph range between 6.5- 8.0 is preferred. Homemade compost is ideal for healthy growth. Go for low nutrient compost since they prevent algae growth, use moss, coconut coir, or well aged manure.