How can I make my Aparajita bloom again?
Due to some several possible reasons your Aparajita has stopped blooming, here are some ways to encourage it to bloom again:
Sunlight: Aparajita needs at least 4-6 hours of sunlight per day. Ensure your plant enough sunlight, If it’s in partial shade, move it to sunny side.
Prune: Pruning old, damaged stems encourage new growth, more flowers and maintaining shape.
Fertilize: Use a nutrient-rich balance fertilizer,
Avoid high-nitrogen fertilizers as they tend to reduce flowers. -
Watering: Apply balance watering to keep the soil moist. Avoid overwatering, this can cause root rot and underwatering cause stress.
Monitoring: Check for pests and diseases, aphids, spider mites, or caterpillars can cause stress to the plant and reduce flowering. Use pesticides to get rid of them.
Provide a Trellis: Aparajita is a climber, and they need support for climbing. Trellis or wires can encourage more flowering.
Favourable Season: In winters the plant is in dormancy and may naturally slow down. Wait for spring for favourable environment and provide proper care.