How to know when plants need water?

How to know when plants need water?

Watering is the vital practice to keep your plants healthy. Plants need good amount of water for their growth.
To maintain optimal moisture level in soil regularly check the following factors, these are the prominent
signs which indicate your plants need watering:

  1. Lack of foliage, fruits and flowers: stunted growth lack of foliage and less production of fruits and flowers are common signs of lack of water.

  2. Wilting: Droopy or wilted leaves often occur when there is not enough water.

  3. Poor leaf colour: Leaves may turn yellow or brown at the tips. Browning of leaves are typically caused by underwatering.

  4. Weight of the Pot: If you’re using pots, a light weighted pot usually means the soil is dry.

  5. Dry or cracked soil: stick your finger into the soil if the top layer of soil is cracked or pulling away from the pot’s edges, it likely needs water.

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