As the monsoon is approaching let’s find out which are the best plants to grow in this season and how to care for them.
Tomato plants easy to grow. they are sun loving plants but need well drained soil to thrive. First choose a site where tomato plant can get 5-6 hours of sunlight. Sow the seed in potting mix about ¼ inch deep. Add organic plant food for better growth and rooting.
Avoid using excessive amount of fertilizer this can increase chances of your tomato getting fungal disease. You can use bio-fungicides to prevent any fungal disease.
Possible diseases and their prevention
If rain is heavy during ripening time and the Tomato receive to much water, that skin will crack and split.
To prevent this add a layer of mulch around plant to hold moisture.
You can also grow tomatoes on raised beds or pot with drainage hole to drain out extra water preventing any mouldy residue for setting in.
Another disease is blossom end rot which is due to inconsistent rain and lack of nutrients reaching to plant especially calcium, as the soil is dry and not able to deliver proper nutrients to plant.
Remedy for this is to lay mulch to retain moisture and don’t rely on rain for water. Water your plants when you don’t get enough rain. Apply fertilizer according to requirements to make sure your plants receive proper nutrients for fruiting.
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