Fertilizer for Marigold Blooming

My marigold isn’t blooming. which fertilizer should I use to make it bloom again?

If your marigold isn’t blooming, it could be due to several reasons like excess nitrogen, lack of sunlight, or poor soil conditions. Use a low-nitrogen, high-phosphorus fertilizer to encourage blooming. Look for a 5-10-10 or 10-20-10 fertilizer. Adding phosphorus promotes flower formation. Avoid too much nitrogen fertilizer, as it can leads to fewer flowers. Apply the fertilizer every 2 to 3 weeks during the growing season. Marigolds thrive in full sunlight, they need at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight daily to grow well and produce flowers. Regularly remove faded or wilted flowers to encourage continuous blooming. Make sure the soil isn’t too soggy, it is the major cause of root rot and poor blooming. If the soil is Compact it restricts root growth limiting water and nutrients to reach, you can break the compaction by using gypsum or aerator.