Best winter lawn feed

What is the best winter feed that I can use for my lawn?

The best winter feed for a lawn typically contains a balanced mix of nutrients designed to protect the grass during the colder months. Winter lawn feeds are lower in nitrogen to prevent excessive growth in winter and higher in potassium and phosphorus, which help strengthen roots and improve resilience against frost and disease. Some key nutrients in winter lawn feed are low Nitrogen encourages hardiness over growth. High nitrogen promotes leaf growth, which isn’t ideal for winter. High Potassium enhances root strength and improves resistance to cold, disease, and stress. Moderate Phosphorus supports root development and overall plant health. Iron and Magnesium help improve lawn color and control moss growth, a common issue in winter.
You can look for fertilizers labeled specifically as “Autumn/Winter Lawn Feed.”
Scotts Turf Builder WinterGuard Fall Lawn Food and
Evergreen Autumn Lawn Care are some popular choices, also keep the lawn free of dried leaves and branches to avoid moss and fungal issues.
Minimize traffic on wet grass to prevent compaction and damage.